Hand Crafted Cutting Boards
Don’t miss the cutting boards on my Kitchen-Dining page. I have two in stock. Most of my work is done as custom orders per customers specifications.
Continue reading →Don’t miss the cutting boards on my Kitchen-Dining page. I have two in stock. Most of my work is done as custom orders per customers specifications.
Continue reading →Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays friends. This American small business appreciates you all. Best wishes that 2025 is an epic year for you and your loved ones. Please follow Sycamore Creek Creations and Slusser Knifeworks Faceboook pages for the latest … Continue reading →
To order from this site, first go the the page you are looking for. Benches, Gun Display Boards, Slusser Knifeworks, or whatever it may be, I may show as a button on your PC or a button with 3 horizontal … Continue reading →
I have added some Box Elder boards to my gun display page. Just click on that tab and you will wee I have all types and sizes of boards available. I also make custom knives folks! These make great gifts.
Continue reading →Check out my Picnic Tables page to see the new Pioneer table along with all of the other awesome designs I offer. Quality made in the USA folks. No China garbage sold here. 2″ thick American red cedar and antique … Continue reading →
Slusser Knifeworks now has its own website. Visit www.slusserknifeworks.com for my custom knives.
Continue reading →I build and ship a lot of quality benchs, tables and more, But I also build quality custom knives. Click on the Slusser Knifeworks tab so see some of my past and presents pieces. I forge weld my own damascus, … Continue reading →
I hope y’all had a Merry Christmas with family! My gun board stock was getting low so I have been working on getting stocked up. I hope to have around 10 new boards listed before Jan 1. Just click on … Continue reading →
Benches, Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Coffee Tables and whatever else you can imagine. Sets available. Check out my Benches page to see some examples.
Continue reading →The gun display boards sell pretty fast so I am regularly restocking. I should have some new mesquite boards listed soon.
Continue reading →My Knife page has been updated. Just click on the Slusser Knifeworks page to see some examples of my work. As a bladesmith, I custom build to your specs whether it be a simple user knife, a high end collector … Continue reading →
The Gun Display Boards have been selling fast but I have a few new ones in stock. Just click on the Gun Display Board tab to see them. Email me at sycamorecreekcreations.com if you want to make a purchase.
Continue reading →Contact me for a quote on all of your woodworking needs. I build countertops, table tops, shelves and more. Shipping is also available
Continue reading →Yes we make signs too. This is a custom campsite sign. If you have something in mind just shoot me an email at sycamorecreekcreations@gmail.com.
Continue reading →Check out my Gun Display page if you are interested in a board for displaying a firearm or anything else for that matter. There are some that would make great hat and coat racks and there is a nice oval … Continue reading →
Hello friends. I picked up a set of wheels that I thought I would throw out here just in case they would work for a custom project. They are small at 24″ diameter. My thought was to use some oak … Continue reading →
We offer inscriptions in your bench backs folks. Just provide an electronic copy of your brand, logo or just provide information on the inscription you are looking for. Email it to sycamorecreekcreations@gmail.com.
Continue reading →To see all of the cool new stuff coming out of the shop, be sure to visit and like Sycamore Creek Creations Facebook page, We can also be found on Instagram.
Continue reading →We have cutting boards and lazy susans listed on our “Kitchen and Dining” page folks. it’s hard to keep a lot in stock but remember -Custom orders welcomed. I can build one to your specifications.
Continue reading →See my picnic table page for details on all of my tables. All of my picnic tables are built with red cedar and authentic iron wagon wheels.
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